Reading Instruction
Every child deserves to learn how to read. Our commitment is to offer top-notch instruction that supports students in making rapid progress. Research has shown us that, for a beginner to understand the connection between printed symbols (letters and letter patterns) and sound, they need to recognize that spoken language can be broken down into small sounds (phoneme awareness). These segmented sounds can then be matched with printed forms (phonics). Understanding this concept, known as the alphabetic principle, is crucial for developing accurate and fast word reading skills.
We provide instruction that not only improves reading skills but also enhances self-esteem and confidence. With our personalized approach, your child WILL learn to read.
Evidence Based Literacy Instruction (EBLI)
The method of Structured Linguistic Literacy initiates teaching by starting with a word, dissecting it into its distinct sounds, presenting the corresponding letter(s) for each sound (spelling), and subsequently combining those sounds to pronounce the word. Both reading and spelling are addressed within a single activity, employing a unified process. This approach is based on the recognition that these processes are interchangeable and rely on the same code. In the case of emerging readers, after mastering the basics of the simple code (where one letter represents one sound), they progress to instruction in the more intricate code.
EBLI benefits struggling readers through its systematic and explicit approach to literacy instruction. The program offers individualized support, incorporating a multi-sensory approach to engage various senses. It seamlessly integrates reading and writing, reinforcing the reciprocal relationship between these skills. EBLI's flexibility allows for tailored instruction in different settings. With a focus on comprehension and quality writing, it provides holistic support for struggling readers.